Meet Lenore. Once upon a time she was a nun.
Matt Rosing / Journeys /
Meet Lynne and Rob. Rob came from a traditional Jewish background. Lynne did not – and now she’s one of our rabbis.
Matt Rosing / Journeys /
Meet Eli, one of our co-presidents. Eli’s journey started off like that of most Jewish children and then he took a long pause.
Matt Rosing / Rates & Benefits /
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Nullam fringilla velit et arcu egestas varius nec at mauris. Nunc ut venenatis enim. Ut in libero a nisi adipiscing luctus eu a dolor. Nulla libero nunc, pharetra et pharetra id, euismod ac eros. Nulla dignissim consectetur libero, ac tempus risus ultrices sit amet. Ut eu ultrices eros. Suspendisse consectetur vulputate tellus sit amet ultrices. Integer velit est, placerat quis congue et, ultrices in odio. Vestibulum semper est vel magna euismod at facilisis quam scelerisque. In at felis libero.
Integer placerat lectus ut est aliquam venenatis. Suspendisse blandit nisl ut dui blandit mollis. Nulla non enim risus, at egestas nulla. Cras lacus ligula, venenatis eu laoreet eget, mollis sed lacus. Aliquam vitae quam magna, ut posuere est. Integer ultrices ligula vitae orci accumsan at volutpat nibh auctor. Sed a nunc nec nulla gravida bibendum in at justo. Phasellus eros metus, scelerisque ac ullamcorper a, scelerisque ac quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id odio ut justo egestas euismod nec at tortor. Pellentesque ac consectetur tellus. Aenean quis risus elit. Nunc interdum risus vitae nunc egestas ac posuere tellus scelerisque. Sed nec lectus arcu.
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urjnetworkadmin / Membership /
One of the most important gifts we can give ourselves and our children is the knowledge and comfort that we are not alone. Through worship, study and tikkun olam, we affirm our support for each other. This participation and commitment, above all things, has sustained our Jewish heritage for almost 6,000 years.
In true family tradition we envision full participation by every member, where each person can discover a meaningful role. At the same time, we recognize that Judiasm is not “one size fits all”. Given the diversity of our members of various backgrounds and interests, we seek to offer an array of modes of worship, education and activities for each member.
There are many paths to community at Chai. Congregants can choose from a wide range of groups and activities, including: youth groups, Chai young adults, Havurot and Journey Groups, Men’s Club and Sisterhood, as well as synagogue-wide concerts and cultural activities.
To join our family, email our Membership Director.
urjnetworkadmin / Membership /
One of the most important gifts we can give ourselves and our children is the knowledge and comfort that we are not alone. Through worship, study and tikkun olam, we affirm our support for each other. This participation and commitment, above all things, has sustained our Jewish heritage for almost 6,000 years.
In true family tradition we envision full participation by every member, where each person can discover a meaningful role. At the same time, we recognize that Judiasm is not “one size fits all”. Given the diversity of our members of various backgrounds and interests, we seek to offer an array of modes of worship, education and activities for each member.
There are many paths to community at Chai. Congregants can choose from a wide range of groups and activities, including: youth groups, Chai young adults, Havurot and Journey Groups, Men’s Club and Sisterhood, as well as synagogue-wide concerts and cultural activities.
To join our family, email our Membership Director.
Matt Rosing / FAQ /
How often do you have services?
We have services on Shabbat and Sunday
How many Rabbis does Chai have?
We have two Rabbis. Rabbi Stone is our Senior Rabbi and Spiritual Leader, and Rabbi Smith is our Associate Rabbi and Director of Schools.
How many members does Chai have?
We currently have 420 families.
What do I get for my membership dues?
Oodles. On top of the regular benefits of membership like High Holy Day tickets, access to summer camps and retreats, congregation dinners and more. Our Rabbis, staff, and members will be there to support you through life’s challenges and joys. You will also be supporting our synagogue and the great programs we offer. Our members find they get back much more than they pay for.
How do I join Chai ?
Call our membership Director (555) 555.1234 and she’ll guide you through the process.
What if I can’t afford membership dues?
We have dues reductions available for anyone who needs it. Contact Wan at (555) 555.1234 for more information. No one will be turned away due to their inability to pay.
urjnetworkadmin / Membership /
Rabbi Name
Est Lorem ipsum redditium definitionem Aristotelis “inter” quae in H & G;
Quod a changing, si continue mutatur in naturali modo naturaliter prius pertingit ad illud ad quod mutatur ultimum inter. Ita ‘inter’ importat praesentiam minus tria in processu mutationis est contrarium quod “novissimi: et si continuo movetur aliquid relinquit rima minima gap in materia, aut tantum non in tempore (nam non intermittit quin temporibus rebus a ‘inter’ dum, contra, nihil prohibet aliquam magnificam post infimum supremi), sed in materia in qua motus agitur. Non modo perspicue verum est, sed in omni mutatione locorum alia pariter. (Omnis autem importat mutationem bina opposita et contraria esse vel contradictorie opposita sint: tum quia contradictio non potest habere medium terminum, manifestum est quod inter ‘necesse habent par contrariorum) Hoc loco contrarium quod maxime distat in linea recta, quia finita est certus minima linea, quae est certus numerus limitatus constituit.
Est Lorem ipsum redditium definitionem Aristotelis “inter” quae in C & W:
Sed omnis mutatio est inter contraria et opposita sunt contradictoria aut contraria, et nihil est medium inter contradictoria est medium, sive quod “inter” duo contraria esse non potest nisi quando sunt. Si inter A et B, C transeuntem (vel loco) continua mutatione secundum naturam extremorum, necesse est ut veniat ad B in C, antequam perveniatur ad a via A. ‘Inter’ importat saltem tres terminos, et unde de transitu, unde oppositum, scilicet ‘quo’ et aliquid supra lineam loco, quo magis quam unde et ibi continue in libero, vel si non solverit cursum – vel, si tantum minimum. Dico intermissione in non tempore, sed in mutatione secundum quod est mutatio, quia solum in tempore cum diapason potest a summo note nota (quae maxima saltu vel in irritum fieri potest librae) Confestim igitur ut, sicut duo separata notes by minima excogitari medium. Quae omnia non solum autem aliae mutationes loci mutatio est. In nomine applicationem loci, unum contra aliud, si longius ab ea, in linea recta, quam quodcumque aliud individuum eiusdem ordinis res in campo sub ratio. De recta eligitur quia brevissimus est solum inter duos, unum certum locum et certum sit mensura vel regula.
urjnetworkadmin / Our Clergy /
Our Rabbi is the spiritual leader of your Congregation. He has published articles, reviews and short stories in many journals including Tikkun, Commentary, Midstream, Emek, Shma, Tomorrow, The Jerusalem Report and Response. He has been the regular book reviewer of fiction for The Jewish Advocate and The Jerusalem Report, and The Jewish Journal.
Our Rabbi was a senior vice president at the National Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, Massachusetts, and has served pulpits in Northampton and Manhattan, while teaching at Smith College and The University of Massachusetts. He has a BA in Creative Writing from Northwestern University. His MA is from Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He received rabbinic ordination at The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York.
To read more…
Email: rabbi@congregation.org
Subscribe to our e-mail to receive his weekly Shabbat message, an insightful discussion of the week’s Torah portion.
Warmly welcomed by Our Congregation Rabbi Pulman joined the synagogue in 2000.
The son of a pulpit rabbi, Pulman always knew he would one day follow in his father’s footsteps, because he saw firsthand the influence a dedicated spiritual leader can have on people’s lives.
Upon graduation from college he sojourned into the world of business, realizing that his ultimate goal was, indeed, the world of the rabbinate. “I reiterated my earlier hopes until the period when I would be ready to follow my dream”, he said recently. “I always knew I’d come back to it, but I wanted to reach that point when I was completely ready to accept the challenge”.
Accepting “the challenge” meant that Pulman had set priorities for himself as a Rabbi, among which is his desire to combat Jewish illiteracy. “I want to unlock the beauty of our tradition and make it accessible to everyone,” he said. “I want to see myself as a key”.
Having been a student at the Ziegler Rabbinical School at the University of Judaism, the future Rabbi Pulman gives full credit to his learning period for inspiration to enter the area of synagogue leadership as Associate Rabbi to Senior Rabbi, Geraiint and to give the congregants the benefits of such knowledge. Interning at Congregation Ner Tamid in Palos Verdes and serving in the U.S. Navy Chaplaincy Corps has enhanced his rabbinical career.
Among some of his duties at our Congregation teaching, developing adult education programs, spiritual counseling, working with teenagers, developing services for the ill and bereaved, and leading worship services.
Email: rabbi@congregation.org