Tikkun Olam (Social Action)

Social action is very important at Temple Or Hadash.  We believe in Tikkun Olam, repairing the world and making it a better place.  This involves more than just writing a check to a worthy cause. It requires action, engagement, and commitment from all our members, from the most senior adult to the youngest child in Religious School.

For the past several years, Or Hadash has focused on the needs of a sometimes invisible group deserving attention:  the homeless.  We discard the stereotypical idea of what a homeless person might look like and realize that one in four of the homeless people in our community is a child.  That many families “couch surf” or use their cars as overnight shelters. That a homeless person looks just like we do.

By teaming with Homeless Gear, housed in the Sister Mary Alice Murphy Center, Or Hadash has collected items needed in winter:  coats, hats, mittens, and boots. Our Religious School students took on the responsibility of feeding the homeless.  They collected, organized and delivered to Homeless Gear ready-to-go nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and dinners  in easily transportable sacks. Or Hadash families volunteered their time to help homeless families avail themselves of the many services at the Murphy Center to bring these families a more joyous holiday season.

At Or Hadash, we take social action  seriously.  We are engaged, involved, and encouraged by our contributions, individually and collectively, to Tikkun Olam.